What is Campus Hope 500?

Campus Hope 500 is an effort to unite and partner with 500 visionary partners, to grow the Hope campus in order to have a greater positive impact within our community for Christ.

Why is Hope seeking 500 partners?

Hope International is seeking to partner with 500 individuals who have a community focused heart and desire to stand with us, to complete our campus vision of Hope.

Partnership is about being a part of something that’s bigger than yourself. As a Campus Hope 500 Partner, you can help impact our community in a way that will change and encourage lives. We believe that every contribution can make the vision a reality.

Where will my monthly contributions be going?

1. Campus Gymnasium and Community Center.
2. Future Campus/Community Swimming Pool.
3. Future Expansion of Hope Preparatory Academy.
4. Community Benevolence Support/Local and Global Evangelism.
5. Hope International Church Vision: Save, Encourage, and Change.